
Sexing Chicks

Make sure that you buy sexed chicks, and ask specifically for females. Believe it or not, there are professional chick sexers, that have a very keen eye in determining the sex of the chick right after its birth. Many people will buy in bulk, and in some cases over half of the chicks turn out to be males. And in most neighborhoods, roosters are not allowed. So if you want, here are some ways to determine if your chick is a male or female:

pinker comb
hackle (pointy neck) feathers
spur development
and of course, crowing (which starts around 3 months of age)

yellower comb
rounded feathers

If you are suspicious of one of your chicks being a male, then either get another opinion, or wait until you can actually see and hear the difference. This site will help guide you:

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